** ** ** Windows Setup Program for Windows 95/95OSR2/98SE/ME/NT4/2000/XP ** ** v2.20 Jul. 2003 ** ** Introduction: ============= This document shows you how to use the Windows setup programs. These programs run under Windows 95/95OSR2/98SE/ME/NT4/2000/XP respectively. You may use these programs to install/update/remove network adapter driver. Structure of the directory: ============================= WINSETUP.TXT This file. winsetup.exe The integrated setup program for Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP. winsetup/W9XSETUP.EXE The setup program for Windows 95/98/ME. winsetup/W2KSETUP.EXE The setup program for Windows 2000/XP. winsetup/NTSETUP.EXE The setup program for Windows NT4. winsetup/NTSETUP.INF The information file for Windows NT4 setup. winsetup/ntsim.sys PCI bus Dectection for Windows NT/2000/XP. Usage: ====== The Windows setup program will search the information file automatically in Windows 95/95OSR2/98SE/ME/2000/XP, ("OEMSETUP.INF" in Windows NT4), and then automatically install/update driver according to the information file. The information file search paths are current directory, upper directory and root directory by order. Command line usage ================== Usage: winsetup.exe [option] option: -? This help. -i Install/update driver (could be omitted). -r Remove device & inf file. -f [INF file] Specify INF filename. (If no INF file is specified, the setup program will automatically search the correct inf file) -d [Source Dir] Specify directory containing all driver files. (If no source directory is specified, the setup program will automatically search the driver from current directory, upper directory and upper 2 layers directory) -b Reboot without prompt user. -w [Windows source CD] Specify path of Windows source CD path. (For Windows 98SE later, and NT40 platform only) (Notice! In NT40, please place "-w" as the last parameter). -v Show version of this program. -s Prevent to show Session Complete dialog. -k Prevent "-r" option to delete inf file automatically (this parameter depends on "-r", and can't be used alone). -p Disable progress bar while install/update driver, useless while combined with "-r" ption(For Windows 95/95OSR2/98SE/ME/2000/XP only) Examples: 1.INSTALL or UPDATE If you placed all driver files on C:\FETWIN\ and Windows 9X sources CD on C:\WIN9X\ directory, you may use following instructions to install network adapter driver on Windows 9X platfoms and reboot without any prompts. A:\>winsetup -d C:\FETWIN\ -w C:\WIN9X\ -b 2.REMOVE The following instruction try to remove all adapters under all Windows platforms. A:\>winsetup -r Notice: 1.Please close all running applactions during the driver installation processing, especially the network applet in control panel and properties of network. 2.The program will not process long filename and directory, please convert Windows long filenames to MSDOS filename.