DeskJet 1125C PCL3 Driver (Complete printer system) (Russian) Step 1: Do you need to update? - Release Date: 2000-09-20 Version: 12.2 - This driver supports the HP DeskJet 1125C printer on Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows 98. - The download includes the following: The printer driver uninstaller HP Toolbox and Installation instructions. Manual Installation Instructions: 1.) Download this file to a temporary 2.) Double-click, and extract the files to a temporary location on your hard disk. 3.) Double-click on the setup file. 4.) Follow the instructions on your screen. This driver (version 12.2) supports the HP DeskJet 1125C printer on Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows 98. The download, includes the following: The printer driver uninstaller, HP Toolbox and Installation instructions and other useful software. Step 2: Does your system fulfill the following requirements? -Operating system(s): Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 3.1, Microsoft Windows ME -Download file size: 3.53 MB Step 3: Obtain your software: -Download file(s) to install later: Download Parts: 1/1 - dj750ru.exe (3.53 MB) © 1994-2003 Hewlett-Packard Company