From: Alvaro Alonso [] Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2000 3:28 PM To: Subject: Writing sequential files under GEOS Bogota, D.C., 2000-05-11 There is 3 steps to write sequential files under GEOS, extracted from my program 'txt2ibm' using the GEOS Kernal. Think in the way BASIC write a secuential file. 1. Open the file 2. Write bytes one after one 3. Close file 4. Notes Explained: 1. Open the file ; ----------------------------------------------------- ; Open an output document ; prepare: device selected ; disk is opened by GEOS ; seqHeader, a block of 256 bytes describing the ; a GEOS header block for the sequential file ; ram variables: outBuffer, 256 bytes long, temporary buffer of bytes to be write ; on disk ; outBlock, 2 bytes long, count number of block ; outTS, 2 byts long, track and sector where to put the current block ; in memory ; input: r6: = pointer to filename ; a4: = pointer to output buffer ; actions: search the file in the current disk ; delete if it is founded ; create a new file, with GEOS header block ; output c=0, everything is OK and ready OpenWrFile: PushW r6 jsr FindFile cpx #FILE_NOT_FOUND beq 10$ ; file is new in the current disk cpx #0 beq 5$ ; file found jmp ViewDkErr ; a subroutine to handle disk errors 5$ PopW r6 ; delete old file PushW r6 MoveW r6,r0 jsr DeleteFile 10$ PopW r6 LoadW r9,seqHeader ldy #0 ; transfer pointer to filename lda r6L sta (r9),y iny lda r6H sta (r9),y LoadB r10L,1 jsr SaveFile ; create new file cpx #0 beq 20$ jmp ViewDkErr 20$ MoveW dirEntryBuf+OFF_DE_TR_SC,outTS ;start track/sector LoadW outBlock,1 ; 1 block allocated in the disk LoadW a4,#outBuffer lda #0 ;clear output buffer tay 25$ sta (a4),y iny bne 25$ clc rts 2. Write bytes one after one ; prepare: device selected ; disk is opened by GEOS ; rutine OpenWrFile was called before use this one ; ram variables: outBuffer, 256 bytes long, temporary buffer of bytes to be write ; on disk ; outBlock, 2 bytes long, count number of block ; outTS, 2 byts long, track and sector where to put the current block ; in memory ; input: a4:= pointer to output buffer outBuffer ; output: x=0, z=1, everything is OK ; otherwise, some disk error WriteByte: pha 1$ ldy #1 ; use byte 1 as a pointer to the output buffer lda (a4),y ;apuntador dentro del buffer bne 10$ lda #1 ; write from byte 2 10$ tay iny beq 15$ ;end of the buffer pla sta (a4),y tya ldy #1 sta (a4),y ldx #0 rts 15$ MoveW outTS,r3 ; next available block jsr SetNextFree cpx #0 bne 30$ ldy #0 lda r3L ;next track sta (a4),y iny lda r3H ;next sector sta (a4),y MoveW outTS,r1 ;track and sector to wrtie to MoveW a4,r4 ;apuntador a los datos jsr PutBlock ldy #0 ;next track and sector lda (a4),y sta outTS iny lda (a4),y sta outTS+1 inc outBlock bne 24$ inc outBlock+1 24$ lda #0 tay 25$ sta (a4),y ;clear output buffer iny bne 25$ beq 1$ ; write delay byte 30$ jmp ViewDkErr ; display what disk error is ; or you can change to your error handling subroutine 3. Close file ; ------------ ; Close sequential file ; copy last sector of the file, that it is memory ; upgrade the count of blocks ; ; prepare: device selected ; disk is opened by GEOS ; rutine OpenWrFile was called before use this one ; ram variables: outBuffer, 256 bytes long, temporary buffer of bytes to be write ; on disk ; outBlock, 2 bytes long, count number of block ; outTS, 2 byts long, track and sector where to put the current block ; in memory ; input: a4:= pointer to output buffer outBuffer ; output: x=0, z=1, everything is OK ; otherwise, some disk error CloseWrFile: MoveW a4,r4 MoveW outTS,r1 jsr PutBlock LoadW r6,outName jsr FindFile clc lda r5 adc #OFF_SIZE tay lda outBlock sta diskBlkBuf,y iny lda outBlock+1 sta diskBlkBuf,y LoadW r4,#diskBlkBuf jsr PutBlock jsr PutDirHead rts ; -------- 4. Notes a. No change the current device until done all the writes of the bytes. b. To change device, is necessary some extra code, I'm still thinking of. c. Only 1 file at the time Bye Alvaro Alonso City: Bogota, D.C. Country: Colombia (South America) Alvaro Alonso G. email: Ciudad: Bogotá, D.C. País : Colombia (Sur América)