#: 270875 S20/Internet IAK (BP) 18-Nov-94 23:36:13 Sb: Success with Rexx script Fm: Mike E. Perry 75252,444 To: Orest Skrypuch (Recon) 76672,1273 (X) This is the script that was written by Iceberg@slip.net. All kudos go to him. I can vouch that it works for dynamically assigned slip accounts. You will have to change the information regarding internet service provider, phone number, user id, and password. Also remember to change modem instructions from what mine are. I found that the culprit with my attempts at this script was that I couldn't get past *connect 14400, etc*. This was caused by an incorrect modem string. This script is also based on not issuing the *slip* command to your provider to begin TCP/IP. I have used this script with all the WARP tools including WebExplorer, news, mail, gopher, ftp, telnet. I get darned good ftp dl's with it. Also this script parses the "S" before a user's name to get the dynamic address. Don't know how this works, but you can read it in the attached info. I would never have come up with this in a kazillion years!! Again, thanks to Iceberg@slip.net and all the slipnetters for their continued patience... Iceberg tells me that the most important part of the script is the first part which assigns the IPs. Good luck, HTH!! >>>>>>>>>>begin slipnet.cmd>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Slipnet.cmd This rexx script will allow you to use the "Dial Other Internet Provider' interface to log on to slip.net. slip.net uses the username to make the slip call, (the "S" that precedes your username is the call), then sends your dynamic settings in a single line string. The unmodified annex.cmd sends an unnecessary slip call, (to Slip Net), and cannot correctly parse the resulting string. Slipnet.cmd corrects these problems. This is a modified version of the annex.cmd script found in the /etc dir of TCPIP. Good luck! iceberg@slip.net */ parse arg interface , dialcmd username password /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Initialization and Main Script Code */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Set some definitions for easier COM strings */ cr='0d'x crlf='0d0a'x say '' say 'Logon Script for OS/2 Warp to Slipnet ', '(interface' interface')' /* Prompt for your username, password, and dialing information */ if dialcmd = '' then do call charout , 'Dial Command: ' parse pull dialcmd end if username = '' | username = '*' then do call charout , 'User Name: ' parse pull username end else do say 'User:' username end if password = '' | password = '*' then do call charout , 'Password: ' password = readpass() end /* Flush any stuff left over from previous COM activity */ call flush_receive /* Reset the modem here */ /* You may need to customize this for your modem make and model */ call lineout , 'Reset modem...' call send 'ATM0&B1&F1' || cr call waitfor 'OK', 5 ; call flush_receive 'echo' if RC = 1 then do call lineout , 'Modem not resetting... Trying again' call send '+++' call waitfor 'OK' call send 'ATHZ' || cr call waitfor 'OK', 3 end /* Dial the remote server */ call charout , 'Now Dialing...' call send dialcmd || cr /* Handle login. We wait for the slipnet strings, and then flush anything else to take care of trailing spaces, etc.. */ call waitfor 'slip.net login:' ; call flush_receive 'echo' call send username || cr call waitfor 'Password:' ; call flush_receive 'echo' call send password || cr /* Parse the results of the SLIP command (the "S" that precedes your*/ /* username) to determine the correct addresses. */ /* We use the "waitfor_buffer" variable from the waitfor routine */ /* to parse the single line we get from the Annex after */ /* waiting for an appropriate point in the data stream. */ call waitfor '....' parse var waitfor_buffer '(' a '.' b '.' c '.' d ')' 'to ' e '.' f '.' g '.' h ' b' annex_address = a||'.'||b||'.'||c||'.'||d os2_address = e||'.'||f||'.'||g||'.'||h /* Flush anything else */ call flush_receive 'echo' /* Now configure this host for the appropriate address, */ /* and for a default route through the Annex. */ say 'Slipnet Connection Established' say 'From 'username' =' os2_address ', To Slip Net =' annex_address 'ifconfig sl0' os2_address annex_address 'netmask' 'route -f add default' annex_address '1' /* All done */ exit 0 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* send ( sendstring) */ /*..........................................................................*/ /* */ /* Routine to send a character string off to the modem. */ /* */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ send: parse arg sendstring call slip_com_output interface , sendstring return /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* waitfor ( waitstring , [timeout] ) */ /*..........................................................................*/ /* */ /* Waits for the supplied string to show up in the COM input. All input */ /* from the time this function is called until the string shows up in the */ /* input is accumulated in the "waitfor_buffer" variable. */ /* */ /* If timeout is specified, it says how long to wait if data stops showing */ /* up on the COM port (in seconds). */ /* */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ waitfor: parse arg waitstring , timeout if timeout = '' then timeout = 5000 /* L O N G delay if not specified */ waitfor_buffer = '' ; done = -1; curpos = 1 ORI_TIME=TIME('E') if (remain_buffer = 'REMAIN_BUFFER') then do remain_buffer = '' end do while (done = -1) if (remain_buffer \= '') then do line = remain_buffer remain_buffer = '' end else do line = slip_com_input(interface,,10) end waitfor_buffer = waitfor_buffer || line index = pos(waitstring,waitfor_buffer) if (index > 0) then do remain_buffer = substr(waitfor_buffer,index+length(waitstring)) waitfor_buffer = delstr(waitfor_buffer,index+length(waitstring)) done = 0 end call charout , substr(waitfor_buffer,curpos) curpos = length(waitfor_buffer)+1 if ((done \= 0) & (TIME('E')>timeout)) then do call lineout , ' WAITFOR: timed out ' done = 1 end end timeout=0 RC=done return RC /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* readpass () */ /*..........................................................................*/ /* */ /* Routine used to read a password from the user without echoing the */ /* password to the screen. */ /* */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ readpass: answer = '' do until key = cr key = slip_getch() if key \= cr then do answer = answer || key end end say '' return answer /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* flush_receive () */ /*..........................................................................*/ /* */ /* Routine to flush any pending characters to be read from the COM port. */ /* Reads everything it can until nothing new shows up for 100ms, at which */ /* point it returns. */ /* */ /* The optional echo argument, if 1, says to echo flushed information. */ /* */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ flush_receive: parse arg echo /* If echoing the flush - take care of waitfor remaining buffer */ if (echo \= '') & (length(remain_buffer) > 0) then do call charout , remain_buffer remain_buffer = '' end /* Eat anything left in the modem or COM buffers */ /* Stop when nothing new appears for 100ms. */ do until line = '' line = slip_com_input(interface,,100) if echo \= '' then call charout , line end return >>>>>>>>>>end slipnet.cmd>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ORIGIN:OS2SUP