Infrared IntelliLink Connect for Windows 95
Software Installation Instructions

Before you install the IntelliLink Connect software, you must do
the following:

  - Have Lotus Organizer 2.1 installed on your computer.

  - After installing the infrared device driver, use the following
    procedure to activate the infrared function:

      1. In the Windows 95 desktop, click on START, click on
         SETTINGS, and then click on CONTROL PANEL.

      2. In the Control Panel window, double-click on the Infrared

      3. In the Infrared Monitor window, click on the Options tab.
         Click on the checkbox at ENABLE INFRARED COMMUNICATIONS ON:
         to remove the check mark.  Click on APPLY, then click on OK.

      4. In the Windows 95 desktop, click on START, and click on 
         SHUT DOWN.

      5. In the Shut Down Windows window, click on the check box for
         RESTART THE COMPUTER?, and then click on YES.

      6. In the Windows 95 desktop, click on START, click on 
         SETTINGS, and then click on CONTROL PANEL.

      7. In the Control Panel window, double-click on the System 

      8. In the System Properties window, click on the Device Manager
         tab.  Click on the plus sign next to PORTS (COM & LPT).

      9. Double click on the GENERIC IR Serial PORT (COM2).

      10.In the Generic IR Serial Port (Com 2) Properties window, 
         click on the Port Settings tab.

      11.Click on the ADVANCED button.  In the Advanced Port 
         Settings window, click on the check box at USE FIFO BUFFERS
         (REQUIRES 16550 COMPATIBLE UART) to remove the check mark.

      12.Click on OK to close Advanced Port settings window.

      13.Click on OK to close Generic IR Serial Port (Com 2) 
         Properties windows.

      14.Click on OK to close System Properties window.

      15.In the Windows 95 desktop, click on START and click on 

      16.In the Shut Down Windows window, click on the check box for
         RESTART THE COMPUTER? and then click on YES.

Installing the IntelliLink Connect Software

Once all of the prerequisites have been completed, the installation
of the IntelliLink Connect software is automated when run directly 
from the Ready-to-Configure CD.

After the software has been installed, you must do the following:

1. Start the Lotus Organizer 2.1 program.

2. Position the PDA and infrared transceiver so that they are
   facing each other, no more than 762 millimeters (30 inches) apart.
   Make sure that nothing is impeding the infrared signal between the
   infrared port on the HP PDA and the infrared transceiver on 
   the Personal Computer.  The infrared transceiver may need to be
   removed from the stand to allow a direct connection to the PDA.

3. On the Personal Computer, click on the EXCHANGE DATA WITH 
   HP100/200LX icon (the fourth icon from the left.)

4. Select the import or export icon on the IntelliLink Connect panel.
   Select HP100/200LX in Select Target/Source System window.  Click 
   on OK.

5. Click on Options tab in the Lotus Organizer 2.1 Import/Export 
   window.  Select the HP 100/200LX button.  Click on the arrow next 
   to the com port field, then select com2.

6. Click on REMOTE INSTALL button and follow directions.

For additional information about using the IntelliLink software,
use the "Read the CD-ROM Overview" feature from the Main menu
of the Ready to Configure CD.  Select "Support Software Descriptions"
then "Windows 95 Applications and Device Drivers."