Installing Microsoft(**) Windows(**) 95 Upgrade on IBM ThinkPad 755CD,CE,CSE,CDV,CV,CX Version 1.00 Feb. 23, 1996 The purpose of this document is to assist you in installing Microsoft Windows 95 on your ThinkPad 755CD,CE,CSE,CDV,CV,CX computer. Please follow the steps in this document carefully. This document assumes that you are installing the Microsoft Windows 95 Upgrade from Windows 3.10 or Windows 3.11. As with any significant change to your computer's operating system or software configuration, you should be sure to backup all important files including data files before proceeding. BEFORE INSTALLING MICROSOFT WINDOWS 95 -------------------------------------- 1. Obtain Necessary Diskettes You will need the following diskettes to ensure that the ThinkPad's BIOS, device drivers, and utilities are at a level to support Windows 95. a. IBM ThinkPad 755CD/CE/CSE/CV/CDV/CX System Program Service Diskette Version 1.40 or later (BIOS Date 09/12/95 or later) (SYTPEnnn.EXE package where nnn=140 or higher - this is also included in MW95nnnE.EXE package below) Note 2 b. IBM ThinkPad Mwave DSP Features Diskettes for DOS Version 2.00 or later (2 diskettes) (MWDnnn-1.EXE and MWDnnn-2.EXE packages where nnn=200 or higher) Note 2 c. IBM ThinkPad Mwave DSP Features Diskettes for Windows 95 Version 2.10 or later (2 diskettes) (MW95nnnE.EXE package where nnn=210 or higher) Note 2 d. Mwave for Windows 95 WAV Patch Diskette Version 1.00 or later (MW95WAV.EXE package - this is also included in MW95nnnE.EXE package above) e. IBM ThinkPad Infrared Features Diskette Version 2.01 or later (IRTPEnnn.EXE package where nnn=201 or higher) f. IBM ThinkPad Utility Diskette 1 Version 3.10 or later (UTTP1nnn.EXE package where nnn=131 or higher) Note 2 g. Faxworks Voice(**) Diskettes Version 3.00.g.058 or later (2 diskettes) (FWVMWnnn.EXE package where nnn=058 or higher) Note 1 h. IBM ThinkPad 755CD Enhanced Video Features Diskette Version 1.20 or later (EVTPEnnn.EXE package where nnn=120 or higher) ** = Notice of Trademark. See Trademarks section at the end of this document. Note 1 = Diskettes required for 755CD and 755CDV only. Note 2 = Diskettes not required for some 755CX models. Models that do not have the internal Mwave Digital Signal Processor (DSP) for sound and modem / telephony function do not require these diskettes. If you are installing on a 755CX without Mwave DSP, you may skip the steps in the procedure that refer to Mwave and Faxworks Voice installation. The packages may be obtained through the following channels: World-Wide Web Server on Internet - The file library index for the IBM PC Company home page is: FTP Site - The IBM PC Company FTP server address is: - Logon as anonymous user - Enter Internet address as password IBM BBS - The phone number is: (919) 517-0001 - Connect through a modem at up to 14,400 bps using communication parameters: 8 Data Bits 1 Stop Bit No Parity - ThinkPad packages are in Directory 37 CompuServe(**) ThinkPad Forum - GO THINKPAD 2. Update System Programs (BIOS) a. Detach your ThinkPad from any Dock or Port Replicator and connect the AC Adapter. b. Insert the System Program Service Diskette into the diskette drive. c. Power on the ThinkPad and follow the directions on the screen. Caution: If during the update you receive a Warning that you are about to install system programs that are "down level" from those already installed, then your ThinkPad already has a later version installed. In this case, you should select "N" to not continue installing System Programs, then exit the utility. Then skip to Step 3. 3. Initialize CMOS This step is necessary to ensure that Windows 95 starts with all ThinkPad settings at default. a. Power on the ThinkPad while pressing the F1 key. Hold the key down until the Easy-Setup screen appears. b. Click on Config, then on Initialize. c. Click on OK, then on Exit. d. Click on Restart, then on OK. 4. Is the OS/2 Operating System currently installed on your ThinkPad? YES => Continue to Step 5. NO => Skip ahead to Step 8. 5. Do you wish to keep OS/2 on your ThinkPad? YES => Continue to Step 6. NO => Skip ahead to Step 7. 6. Boot Manager should be used to control which operating system will be started on your ThinkPad. See the Windows 95 SETUP.TXT file for more information. It is located on Windows 95 Diskette 1 and on the Windows 95 CD in the \WIN95 directory. After you have reviewed this document and understand what to do, perform the necessary actions and then skip ahead to Step 8. 7. Remove OS/2 Warp. Do you have a "Delete OS/2 Warp" icon (normally in the "OS/2 Warp" Program Group)? YES => Double click on the Delete OS/2 Warp icon in the OS/2 Warp Program Group. Click Options, then click Delete. Click OK for each of the two warnings. OS/2 Warp will then be removed from your ThinkPad. NO => From Windows Program Manager, Click File, Run. Then type: "C:\OS2TOOLS\WARPREMV.EXE WARPREMV.TXT WARPREMV.LST" and press Enter. Click Options, then click Delete. Click OK for each of the two warnings. OS/2 Warp will then be removed from your ThinkPad. NOTE: If you are unable to remove OS/2 from your ThinkPad using these techniques, then see the Windows 95 SETUP.TXT file, located on Windows 95 Diskette 1 and on the Windows 95 CD in the \WIN95 directory. 8. Make backup copy of system files to be modified. This installation procedure will require you to view and in some cases modify your CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, and WIN.INI files. Before proceeding, we recommend that you make a backup copy of these files. a. At the DOS C:\ prompt, type "MD C:\TP95PREP" and press Enter. b. Type "CD \TP95PREP" and press Enter. c. Type "COPY C:\CONFIG.SYS" and press Enter. d. Type "COPY C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" and press Enter. e. Type "COPY C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI and press Enter. This will copy these system files to the C:\TP95PREP directory. 9. Remove STRTSCR.EXE (ThinkPad Welcome screens). To avoid a possible "Windows 95 Explorer Fault" error message, you should remove the STRTSCR.EXE from the Windows WIN.INI file. a. Start the Windows 3.1 NotePad application from the Accessories Program Group. b. Click File, Open. Then type "C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI" and press Enter. c. Find the lines (near the top) that begin with "load=" and "run=". d. If either line contains "C:\SCREENS\STRTSCR.EXE", then delete this portion of the line. For example, "load=C:\SCREENS\STRTSCR.EXE C:\THINKPAD\FUELWIN.EXE" should be changed to: "load=C:\THINKPAD\FUELWIN.EXE" Or, "load=C:\SCREENS\STRTSCR.EXE" should be changed to: "load=" e. After the change is made, click File, then Exit. Then click "Yes" to save the change. 10. Remove unnecessary PCMCIA(**) SRAM, Flash, and ATA drivers. If you are installing from CD or a network drive and you plan to use the Windows 95 Integrated PCMCIA support (recommended), you may want to first disable the PCMCIA driver for SRAM, Flash, and ATA type PCMCIA cards. This will remove the drive letters (usually D,E,F, and G) reserved by the PCMCIA driver. These will not be reserved when you install the Windows 95 Integrated PCMCIA support later, so disabling this driver before installation of Windows 95 will give you a consistent default installation drive for any Windows 95 drivers you may install in the future. To disable the PCMCIA SRAM, Flash, and ATA driver: a. Edit the CONFIG.SYS (using Windows Notepad or another editor. b. Find any line that contains: "DISKDRV.SYS" Place a "REM " in front of this line so that it will not be run. For example, "DEVICEHIGH=C:\THINKPAD\DISKDRV.SYS" should be changed to: "REM DEVICEHIGH=C:\THINKPAD\DISKDRV.SYS" c. Exit the editor and save the change. 11. Remove IBM Antivirus for DOS / Windows from the AUTOEXEC.BAT. This is necessary since the IBM Antivirus for DOS / Windows program is not supported in Windows 95. If you are using other virus protection software, you should see the SETUP.TXT file on the Windows 95 Diskette 1 or in the \WIN95 directory on the Windows 95 CD for information before continuing with installation. a. Edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT (using Windows Notepad or another editor. b. Find any line that contains: "IBMAVDR.BAT" Place a "REM " in front of this line so that it will not be run. For example, "CALL C:\DOS\IBMAVDR.BAT C:\DOS\" should be changed to: "REM CALL C:\DOS\IBMAVDR.BAT C:\DOS\" c. Exit the editor and save the change. INSTALLING WINDOWS 95 --------------------- 12. Install Windows 95 Upgrade. a. Shutdown Windows and press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to restart the ThinkPad to make changes in the previous steps active. b. Before starting Windows 95 Setup, read the IMPORTANT items below. Then start Windows 95 Setup from Windows and follow the directions on the screen. IMPORTANT: When Windows 95 asks if you want it to detect the Sound, MIDI, or Video Capture Card, do not put a check mark in the box beside "Sound, MIDI, or Video Capture Card". We will install the Mwave for Windows 95 drivers and the Enhanced Video drivers after SETUP is complete. IMPORTANT: When Windows 95 Setup Wizard shows the Get Connected screen and asks if you would like to install support for: - The Microsoft Network - Microsoft Mail - Microsoft Fax DO NOT select any of these components at this time. Click "Next" without checking any of the boxes on this screen to continue installation. After you have completed installation of Mwave for Windows 95 later in this document, you may then install these components and the Mwave Modem will be recognized. IMPORTANT: 755CD and 755CDV users see the "Swapping of Internal CD ROM Drive and Floppy Disk Drive" item in the OPERATIONAL INFORMATION / TROUBLESHOOTING section below before proceeding. AFTER INSTALLATION ------------------ Now that Microsoft Windows 95 is installed, we need to do a few more steps to ensure that support for all your ThinkPad's devices is installed. 13. 755CX with 800x600 (SVGA) LCD Only => Set Display Adapter to "IBM ThinkPad 755cx (WD)" (**). This step is necessary to ensure that the 800x600 screen is supported and to eliminate a horizontal line that follows the mouse pointer on the 800x600 LCD screen when the standard WD video driver is used in Windows 95. a. Right click anywhere on the Windows 95 Desktop. b. Click "Properties", then click the "Settings" tab. c. Click the "Change Display Type" button. d. Click the "Change" Button in the "Adapter Type" block. e. Click "IBM ThinkPad 755cx (WD)", then click "OK". f. Click "Close" to close each open Display setting box. g. Click on "Yes" to restart your computer when prompted by Windows 95. h. If you want to change the display resolution or color depth, see the item "Display Resolution / Color Depth" in the Operational Information section of this document. (For example, to change display from 640x480 to 800x600). 14. Install "Mwave for DOS". a. Click Start, Shutdown, Restart the computer in MS-DOS(**) mode. b. Insert the "Mwave for DOS" Diskette 1 into the diskette drive. c. At the DOS prompt, type "A:\INSTALL" and press Enter. d. After installation is complete, remove the diskette from the drive and press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to reboot the ThinkPad. NOTE: Depending on the Mwave version you may have installed in Windows 3.1 or 3.11, you may receive the following error messages when you boot to Windows 95 after installing MWave for DOS 2.0 or later. Mwave Virtual Device Driver Error! MWAVE ERROR: VxD003 Unable to register the DSP Press any key to continue. Mwave Mwsound Driver A hardware problem has occurred. Verify that your Mwave system is installed and functional, and that the Mwave DSP is enabled. Do not be concerned if you see these errors at this time. They should be cleared after installation of Mwave for Windows 95 in the next step. 15. Install the Mwave for Windows 95 drivers. a. Insert the "Mwave for Windows 95" Diskette 1 into the diskette drive. b. Click Start, then Run. c. Type "A:\SETUP" and press Enter. d. Follow the instructions on the screen. NOTE: Do not be concerned if you get an error message during the installation that the MWAVE.INI file was not found. e. After installation is complete, remove the diskette from the drive and allow Mwave Setup to reboot your ThinkPad. If prompted, allow Windows 95 to restart again to finish setting up the Mwave DSP device. NOTE: If you previously had the Mwave MIDI support installed on your ThinkPad, it is not necessary to update MIDI for Windows 95 support. If you do not have MIDI support already installed and wish to add MIDI support, please obtain the following packages from one of the distribution channels listed in Step 1 above: MWMIDIW1.EXE Mwave MIDI Disk 1 of 6 (Windows) MWMIDI-2.EXE Mwave MIDI Disk 2 of 6 MWMIDI-3.EXE Mwave MIDI Disk 3 of 6 MWMIDI-4.EXE Mwave MIDI Disk 4 of 6 MWMIDI-5.EXE Mwave MIDI Disk 5 of 6 MWMIDI-6.EXE Mwave MIDI Disk 6 of 6 16. Install the Mwave for Windows 95 WAV file patch. This patch prevents problems that may occur when the Mwave DSP plays WAV files (sounds) of some particular formats. See the README.TXT file on the Patch diskette for more details. a. Click Start, Shutdown, Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode. b. Insert the "Mwave WAV Patch for Windows 95" diskette into the diskette drive. c. At the DOS prompt, type "A:\INSTALL" and press Enter. d. The patch installation will attempt to locate all possible installed components of Mwave. It will then report the locations and ask if this is correct. Type "Y" and press Enter. Do not be concerned if you receive a message that "Win-OS/2" will be skipped. e. After installation is complete, remove the diskette from the drive. Type "EXIT" and press Enter to restart Windows 95. 17. Install ThinkPad Infrared Features. a. Insert the ThinkPad Infrared Features diskette into the diskette drive. b. Click Start, Programs, MS-DOS Prompt. c. Type "A:\UINSTALL" and press Enter. d. Press Enter twice to accept the default source drive. e. Select "Install Windows ThinkPad Infrared Driver" and press Enter. f. When prompted for installation directory, specify the directory where Windows 95 is installed (usually C:\WINDOWS). g. After installation is complete, exit the UINSTALL utility and exit the MS-DOS prompt. h. Remove the diskette from the drive and click Start, Shutdown, Restart the Computer. 18. Install ThinkPad Features from Utility Diskette #1. a. Insert the ThinkPad Utility Diskette #1 into the diskette drive. b. Click Start, then Run. c. Type "A:\INSTALLW" and press Enter. d. When prompted for installation options, uncheck the box for Personalization Editor. (NOTE: If desired, this feature may be installed by leaving the check mark in the box. It requires Utility Diskette #2 Version 3.00 or later (Package UTTP2nnn.EXE where nnn=300 or higher). It is not required for running Windows 95 on the ThinkPad. e. Remove the diskette from the drive and click Start, Shutdown, Restart the Computer. f. After restarting Windows 95, you may need to relocate the Fuel Gauge if it covers an item on your Windows 95 desktop (such as the My Computer object). 19. Install Windows 95 Integrated PCMCIA support. This step will remove the real mode PCMCIA drivers (PC Card Director) from the CONFIG.SYS, and install Windows 95 integrated PCMCIA support to provide Windows 95 plug and play support for PCMCIA cards. a. Double click My Computer on the Windows 95 desktop. b. Double click Control Panel and double click PC Card (PCMCIA). c. Click "No" for the question "Are you using a PC Card to install Windows?"; then click Next. d. Click "No" when asked if you would like to review the changes and then click Next. e. Click "Finish", then "Yes" to allow Windows 95 to shut down. f. Power on the ThinkPad and allow Windows 95 to start. 20. Install Faxworks Voice. If you are using the Faxworks Voice (Call Center) application that was preloaded on your ThinkPad, you will need to update it so that it will work properly with Windows 95. a. Insert the Faxworks Voice Diskette 1 into the diskette drive. b. Click Start, then Run. c. Type "A:\SETUP" and press Enter. d. Follow the directions on the screen. e. After installation is complete, remove the diskette from the diskette drive and click on Start, Shutdown, Restart the Computer. 21. Dock 2 only => Disable SCSI BIOS in Dock 2. If you have a Dock 2 (IBM Machine Type 3546), this step is necessary to ensure proper warm / hot docking to the Dock 2 when running Windows 95. This is done by changing DIP switch settings in the Dock 2. Switches 1, 2, and 3 should be set to "On" to select "BIOS disabled, board active on reset". See the Dock 2 User's Guide for instructions. 22. 755CD and 755CDV only => Install Windows 95 32-bit CD ROM Drivers. This step will remove the real mode drivers for the internal CD ROM on 755CD,CDV. Windows 95 will then use it's 32-bit drivers for optimum performance in Windows 95. NOTE: This step will remove the real mode drivers for the CD ROM from CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT, so no CD ROM support will be available when restarting to MS-DOS mode. If you need CD ROM support in MS-DOS Mode, see item below titled "Adding Internal CD ROM Support for MS DOS Mode" in the Operational Information / Troubleshooting section below. a. Click Start, Programs, MS-DOS Prompt b. Type "edit c:\config.sys" and press Enter. c. Locate the lines that contain: "IBMTPCD.SYS" (Internal CD ROM Driver) d. Move the cursor to the beginning of these lines and type "rem " before each line. Select File, Exit, Yes to save the file. e. Type "edit c:\autoexec.bat" and press Enter. f. Locate the line that contains "MSCDEX.EXE". g. Move the cursor to the beginning of this line and type "rem " before the line. Select File, Exit, Yes to save the file. h. Type "exit" and press Enter to exit the DOS session. i. Click Start, Shutdown, Shutdown the computer. Windows 95 should shut down and POWER OFF the ThinkPad. j. Make sure the internal CDROM drive is in the ThinkPad. k. Power On the ThinkPad. Double click My Computer. You should see your CD ROM Drive. 23. 755CD and 755CDV Only => Install ThinkPad Enhanced Video Features. a. Insert the ThinkPad Enhanced Video Features diskette into the diskette drive. b. Click Start, then Run. c. Type "A:\EVSETUP" and press Enter. d. When prompted for the installation directory, accept the default (C:\V7320\). e. After installation is complete, remove the diskette from the diskette drive and click Start, Shutdown, Restart the Computer. 24. Installation of Windows 95 is complete. Do not be concerned if you see a Red X by a Serial Port in the Windows 95 Device Manager. This simply means that the port is disabled in the current configuration. By default, the external serial port is disabled in ThinkPad Setup, but it's presence is still detected by Windows 95. If you need to use the external serial port, use ThinkPad Setup to disable either Infrared or DSP Modem and then enable the external serial port. Then restart Windows 95 and you will be able to add the port to your current configuration using Device Manager. NOTE: In order to avoid possible hardware conflicts, ThinkPad Setup requires that you either disable the Infrared Device, change the Infrared IRQ, or disable the Mwave DSP Modem before you can enable the external serial port. The Mwave DSP Modem may still be enabled in Windows 95, even if disabled in ThinkPad Setup. See the OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS / TROUBLESHOOTING section for important information. OPERATIONAL INFORMATION / TROUBLESHOOTING ----------------------------------------- 1. Display Resolution / Color Depth To select the display resolution and color depth: a. Right click on the Windows 95 desktop. b. Click on Properties, then Settings. c. Select desired resolution and color depth. d. Restart Windows 95 if prompted. 2. External Display Refresh Rates To set the refresh rate for an external CRT: a. Click Start, then Thinkpad, then Display, then Advanced. b. Select the refresh rate desired for each resolution. Note: The refresh rate selected must be supported on your external CRT. 3. 755CD and 755CDV Only => Swapping of Internal CD ROM Drive and Floppy Disk Drive 755CD and 755CDV ThinkPads have an internal CD ROM drive in the Floppy Drive bay. The CD ROM Drive and the Floppy Drive should only be exchanged when the ThinkPad is powered off or when it is in the Full Suspend mode. Full Suspend is indicated by a single beep when entering suspend. WARNING: Do not swap the CD ROM and Floppy drives while the ThinkPad is operating or while it is in the Partial Suspend mode. (Partial Suspend is indicated by two beeps when entering suspend.) Swapping the CD ROM and the Floppy Drive while the ThinkPad is operating or in partial suspend may cause the ThinkPad to hang, and may damage the ThinkPad. 4. Digital Video If you receive the following error message when attempting to play a digital video (AVI) file: Video not available, cannot find 'vids:cvid' decompressor. then do the following to install the needed video compression support. a. Double click My Computer, then Control Panel. b. Click Add/Remove Programs. c. Click the Windows Setup tab. d. Click Multimedia, then click the Details button. e. Is Video Compression already checked? YES => Click the box beside Video Compression to uncheck the box. Click the OK button, then click the OK button on the Add/Remove Programs Properties screen. Return to step b. NO => Continue to step f. f. Click the box beside Video Compression to check the box. g. Click the OK button, then click the OK button on the Add/Remove Programs Properties screen. Windows 95 will now install Video Compression from your installation CD or diskettes. h. You should no longer see the error message. 5. Device Support in MS-DOS Mode If you're ThinkPad is a 755CD or 755CDV and you want to use the internal CD ROM in MS-DOS Mode, see the Item "Adding Internal CD ROM Support for MS-DOS Mode" below for instructions on creating a unique CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT for MS-DOS Mode. If you're ThinkPad is a 755CE,CSE,CV,CX then it is usually not required to use a unique CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT for device support in MS-DOS mode. Instead, the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT used to start Windows 95 can be used. In this case, when you select to restart in MS-DOS mode, Windows 95 will exit to DOS and an additional DOSSTART.BAT will be run. For device support, edit C:\WINDOWS\DOSSTART.BAT and ensure that the following lines or similar are present: SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 LOADHIGH C:\DOS\MOUSE.COM /Y LOADHIGH C:\CDROM\MSCDEX.EXE /D:xxxxxxx /M:15 CALL MWAVE START NOSHOW NOTES: a. SET BLASTER entry should match settings for the Mwave DSP as set by ThinkPad Setup, DSP, Sound Blaster(**) section for I/O Address, IRQ, and DMA. The values above are the default values and should work if you initialized CMOS as specified in Step 3 above. Use FASTCFG command to confirm Mwave DSP Hardware settings for Sound Blaster. b. Path of your DOS Mouse driver may be different. You may need to locate your MOUSE.COM and specify the correct path. c. MSCDEX is only needed if you have a CD ROM drive (for example SCSI CD ROM in Dock 1 or Dock 2) that you will use in MS-DOS mode. (Substitute the name of your CD ROM driver specified in CONFIG.SYS after the "/D:" parameter in place of the "xxxxxxxx" on the MSCDEX line). d. CALL MWAVE START NOSHOW will activate the Mwave DSP in MS-DOS mode to provide sound or modem support. Use FASTCFG command to setup the Mwave DSP in MS-DOS mode. 6. 755CD and 755CDV Only => Adding Internal CD ROM Support for MS-DOS Mode If you need to use your internal CD ROM in MS-DOS mode, you must create an alternate startup configuration (CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT) that will be used when restarting to MS-DOS Mode. To create an alternate startup configuration, perform the following steps from the Windows 95 Desktop: a. Double click "My Computer", then "(C:)". Then double click the "Windows" folder and find the "Exit To Dos" icon. With the right mouse button, click this icon. This should open a selection window. b. Choose "Properties" from the selection window. c. "Exit To Dos Properties" Window should now be displayed. Select "Program", then "Advanced". The "Advanced Program Settings" window should be displayed. Ensure that the MS-DOS mode box is checked. d. Click the "Specify a new MS-DOS configuration" circle. You may now add DOS statements that will be loaded when the system is started in MS-DOS Mode. Add the following lines to CONFIG.SYS for MS-DOS Mode and AUTOEXEC.BAT for MS-DOS Mode if not already listed. These will also ensure that you have Enhanced Video, Mwave Audio, a Mouse Driver, and EMS memory required for some DOS games. "CONFIG.SYS for MS-DOS mode:" DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS DOS=HIGH,UMB DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE RAM FRAME=E000 DEVICEHIGH=C:\MWW\MANAGER\MWD50430.EXE DEVICEHIGH=C:\CDROM\IBMTPCD.SYS /D:TPCD001 /P:170 /R DEVICE=C:\V7320\V7320MGR.EXE DEVICE=C:\V7320\V7320APM.EXE "AUTOEXEC.BAT for MS-DOS mode" SET PATH=C:\;C:\THINKPAD;C:\MWD\MANAGER;C:\MWW\DLL; SET LIBPATH=C:\MWD\MANAGER SET MWPATH=C:\MWD\MANAGER;C:\MWD\MWGAMES SET MWROOT=C:\MWD SET IPF_PATH=C:\IPFWIN SET PS2MSG=C:\THINKPAD\PS2.MSG SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 LOADHIGH C:\CDROM\MSCDEX.EXE /D:TPCD001 /M:15 LOADHIGH C:\DOS\MOUSE.COM /Y CALL MWAVE START NOSHOW e. After the changes are made, click "OK" and "OK" again to close the open windows. This configuration will now be used when you restart your system in MS-DOS mode. IMPORTANT: ---------- To ensure that the Internal CD ROM is recognized in Windows 95 after restarting to MS-DOS Mode with internal CD ROM support, you will have to do the following: - When you are ready to exit MS-DOS mode and return to Windows 95, POWER OFF the ThinkPad 755CD,CDV. (The ThinkPad must be POWERED OFF to be completely reset after the Real Mode CD ROM Driver (IBMTPCD.SYS) has been active. Otherwise, Windows 95 will not recognize the Internal CD ROM drive.) - Power On the ThinkPad. The following message will be displayed: Windows 95 is now starting your MS-DOS-based program. Press ESC now to cancel MS-DOS mode and restart Windows 95... - While this message is displayed, press ESC and Windows 95 will start and the Internal CD ROM will be recognized. NOTES: a. SET BLASTER entry should match settings for the Mwave DSP as set by ThinkPad Setup, DSP, Sound Blaster section for I/O Address, IRQ, and DMA. The values above are the default values and should work if you initialized CMOS as specified in Step 3 above. Use FASTCFG command to confirm Mwave DSP Hardware settings for Sound Blaster. b. Path of your DOS Mouse driver may be different. You may need to locate your MOUSE.COM and specify the correct path. c. CALL MWAVE START NOSHOW will activate the Mwave DSP in MS-DOS mode to provide sound or modem support. Use FASTCFG command to setup the Mwave DSP in MS-DOS mode. 7. Removing DOS Startup Menu in CONFIG.SYS If you are currently using a Startup Menu in CONFIG.SYS, you may want to skip this menu now that Windows 95 is installed. Use of this type of startup menu in CONFIG.SYS is usually not required in Windows 95 since Windows 95: - Is less prone to Conventional Memory Constraints. - Can automatically develop configurations for Docked and Undocked states. - Can Restart to MS-DOS Mode when required. If you would like to skip this menu during startup, do the following: a. At the DOS Prompt, type Edit C:\CONFIG.SYS and press Enter. b. In the [MENU] section of CONFIG.SYS, find the line that begins with "MENUDEFAULT=". This line specifies which DOS menu selection will be used as default, and the time to wait before starting without any input. c. If there is a comma followed by a number at the end of this line, change the number to 0. d. If there is no comma and number at the end of this line, add the following at the end of the line with no space after the configuration name: ,0 e. Click File, then Exit, then Yes to save the change. At your next restart, Windows 95 should use the default startup in your CONFIG.SYS without displaying the menu. 8. Configuring ThinkPad Hardware Devices in Windows 95 If you need to change any of your hardware device settings such as I/O address, IRQ, or DMA, you need to use the proper utility for the device you wish to configure. In some cases you will need to use Windows 95 Device Manager and in some cases you will need to use the ThinkPad Setup utility. See the table below for the utility to use for each device: Hardware Device To Change Resource Settings --------------- --------------------------- Mwave DSP Windows 95 Device Manager - Sound Blaster Windows 95 Device Manager - MPU-401 MIDI Windows 95 Device Manager - Modem Windows 95 Device Manager Infrared ThinkPad Setup, Infrared Serial ThinkPad Setup, Serial Parallel ThinkPad Setup, Parallel Enhanced Video ThinkPad Setup, Video Controller NOTE: A Red X beside a device in Device manager only means that the device is disabled in the current configuration. NOTE: The Enhanced Video Device on the 755CD and 755CDV models is listed as an "Unknown Device" in the Windows 95 Device Manager, but still works properly. 9. Horizontal Stripe Following Mouse Pointer on External CRT When you attach a high resolution external CRT and switch between a MS-DOS full screen session and the Windows 95 desktop, you may see a horizontal line that follows the mouse pointer. If this happens, perform the following steps to correct the problem: a. Double click My Computer, then Control Panel, then System. b. Click on the "Performance" tab, then click the "Graphics" button. c. Move the "Hardware acceleration" slider one notch to the left. d. Restart Windows 95 when prompted. 10. 755CD and 755CDV Only => Asymetrix(**) Digital Video Producer(**) Capture Tool If you are unable to open the Options, Video Format menu in the Digital Video Producer Capture Tool, please do the following: a. Close Digital Video Producer Capture and close Digital Video Producer if open. b. Restart Digital Video Producer Capture Tool (but not Digital Video Producer). c. Retry Options, Video Format. d. If it still fails, close Digital Video Producer again and restart Digital Video Producer again. Then retry Options, Video Format. Currently, the Options, Video Format menu only works on every other start of Digital Video Producer Capture in Windows 95. It does not open at all when the Capture tool is started from the tool menu of the main Digital Video Producer. (The capture tool must be started directly). NOTE: This problem may be fixed in a future release of the IBM ThinkPad 755CD Enhanced Video Features (version higher than 1.20). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TRADEMARKS The following terms, used in this publication, are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM Mwave OS/2 OS/2 Warp ThinkPad Win-OS/2 The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**) in this publication, are trademarks of other companies as follows: Asymetrix Asymetrix Corporation Compuserve Compuserve, Inc. Digital Video Producer Asymetrix Corporation Faxworks Voice SofNet, Inc. Microsoft Microsoft Corporation MS-DOS Microsoft Corporation PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association Sound Blaster Creative Labs, Inc. WD Western Digital Corporation Windows Microsoft Corporation Other company, product, and service names, which may be denoted by a double asterisk (**), may be trademarks or service marks of others. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICES (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1995,1996. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 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