        ATI Fire GL2 Graphics Accelerator
        ATI Fire GL3 Graphics Accelerator
        ATI Fire GL4 Graphics Accelerator
        ATI Fire GL4s Graphics Accelerator
        ATI Fire GL Video Driver for
        Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000
        Release 06.2001
        Windows NT 4.0 Driver Version 4.10.1381.2077
        Windows 2000   Driver Version 5.12.2195.2077
 Please read the entire contents of this document. Information in this 
 file may not appear in printed documentation or online help.

 NOTES: (1) The term 'Fire GL' used in this document refers to the following 
            graphics accelerators: Fire GL2, Fire GL3, Fire GL4, Fire GL4s
        (2) Fire GL4s provides only one monitor connector, Fire GL4 has two
            monitor connectors 

 This READ-ME file contains the following information:
        1.1     Installing the Fire GL Graphics Accelerator

        2.1     Installing the Fire GL Video Driver 
                with the ATI Fire GL CD
        2.2     Installing Fire GL Video Drivers 
                downloaded from the ATI Fire GL Website  

        3.1     Setting the Resolution and Refresh Rate
	3.2     Setting a DualScreen Configuration (Fire GL3 and
                Fire GL4)
        3.3     Selecting your Monitor
        3.4     Adjusting the Monitor's Display
        3.5     Using Advanced Settings
        5.1     ATI  Information Dialog
        5.2     ATI  Configuration Menu (for experienced users only!)





1.1 Installing the Fire GL Graphics Accelerator

  Refer to the User's Guide of your computer to install the Fire GL
  Graphics Accelerator in your system. 
  NOTES:(1) The bracket of the Fire GL3/Fire GL4/Fire GL4s also covers the 
            expansion slot next to the AGP slot.  
        (2) If you want to install the Fire GL card to replace
            your existing graphics solution it may be helpful to set your 
            display driver to standard VGA (Windows NT4.0 only) before you
            shut down your PC and remove a previously installed card.
        (3) Fire GL2: You may connect only one monitor, either
            - analog VGA (to the VGA  connector), or
            - digital CRT / DFP (to the DVI-D connector)
            to the Fire GL2. The Fire GL2 does not support two monitors 
            connected to one card.
            Fire GL3/Fire GL4: You may connect two monitors to the DVI-I 
            connectors of the Fire GL3/Fire GL4
            - analog VGA monitors via the provided DVI-to-VGA adapters, or
            - digital CRT / DFP monitors directly 
            If you connect only one monitor, make sure to connect it to the 
            DVI connector '1' on the card. 
        (4) The drivers are designed exclusively to support the Fire GL
            Graphics Accelerators with the Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000
            operating system. The drivers DO NOT SUPPORT any other type or
            brand of graphics card or operating system. 



  You need to install the basic driver software for Windows NT/Windows 2000 
   - if you install the card to your system  
   - if you are re-installing or upgrading the operating system.

  IMPORTANT: You must have Microsoft Windows NT w/Service Pack 5 or 
     Windows 2000 installed prior to installing the Fire GL  
     drivers. The Service Pack is available from Microsoft's web page,
     www.microsoft.com. To install or uninstall the Fire GL drivers, 
     you need administrator rights or you must be logged on as a 
     user with administrator rights under Windows NT and Windows 2000.

  NOTE: Before installing the Fire GL video driver, please
        close all open application programs and disable any anti-virus
        software that is running on your computer until the driver
        installation is complete!

 2.1  Installing the Fire GL Video Driver with the ATI Fire GL CD
  Note for Windows 2000: When the 'Found New Hardware Wizard' comes up, click
  'Cancel.' When the 'System Settings Change' windows asks you to restart your
  computer, click 'No.' 

  1. Click the 'Start' button in the task bar, click 'Run' and then
     select 'Start.exe' from the root directory of the ATI FIre GL CD.  

  2. Click 'Start Installation'.
  3. Click the button corresponding to the type of installation you want. If
     you select 'Custom', a list of software components will be displayed. 
     Select the check boxes to specify the components you want to install.

  4. Click 'Next' to continue the installation.

  5. When the ATI Fire GL Install dialog displays the components to be installed
     click on 'Next'. (Depending on which components you chose different
     windows might appear. Click on the corresponding buttons to continue 
     with the installation.) 

  6. When the 'INSTALLATION COMPLETE' message appears click 'Finished'. 
     This will restart your computer.
     Note for Windows 2000: After Windows 2000 reboots, the 'Found New 
     Hardware' message displays. The 'Digital Signature Not Found' dialog
     prompts you 'Do you want to continue the installation?'.  Click 'Yes' to
     install and start the drivers.  

  7. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display > Settings, or
     right-click on the Windows desktop, and select 'Properties' and
  8. Set the resolution and (NT4.0) refresh rate that
     best suit your requirements and your monitor's performance.
     NOTE: For a multimonitor configuration in Windows 2000 first click on
     the monitor icon that corresponds to the graphics accelerator you want
     to set.

  9. Click OK.

  Selecting a resolution or refresh rate that your monitor does not
  support can permanently damage the monitor.
  Check the documentation of your monitor and make sure that the
  monitor supports the selected resolution and refresh rate.


2.2 Installing Fire GL Video Drivers 
    downloaded from the ATI Fire GL Website
  IMPORTANT: You must have Microsoft Windows NT w/Service Pack 5 or 
    Windows 2000 installed prior to installing the Fire GL drivers.
    The Service Pack is available from Microsoft's web page,
  To install the video drivers: run the executable (*.exe) file that
  came with the download and follow the instructions on the screen.


  The following dialogs in the 'Diplay Properties' menu  allow setting and
  adjusting the video settings to suit your requirements best.

  Windows NT 4.0
  Settings: set resolution and display refresh rates 
  ATI Monitor: choose monitors 
  ATI DualScreen (Fire GL3 and Fire GL4): enable two-monitor display modes
  ATI Adjustment: adjust the monitor's display
  ATI Advanced Settings: enable offscreen rendering, stereo glasses, 
    fullscene antialiasing, autostereoscopic 3D display  

  Windows 2000
  Settings: set resolution
  Settings/Advanced/(Windows)Monitor: choose monitors and display refresh
  Settings/Advanced/ATI Monitor: choose monitors (for two-monitor display
                                     modes only) 
  Settings/Advanced/ATI DualScreen (Fire GL3 and Fire GL4): enable 
                                                     two-monitor display modes
  Settings/Advanced/ATI Adjustment: adjust the monitor's display
  Settings/Advanced/ATI Advanced Settings: enable offscreen rendering, 
          stereo glasses, fullscene antialiasing, autostereoscopic 3D display, 
  To access the 'Diplay Properties' menu:

  1. Start Windows NT 4.0. / Windows 2000

  2. After Windows has finished starting, click on the START
     button, select 'Settings,' and then click on 'Control Panel.'

  3. Double-click on the 'Display' icon.  The 'Display Properties' window

     Note:  You can also display the 'Display Properties' window by
            right-clicking the Windows Desktop background and then
            selecting the 'Properties' option from the pop-up menu.


3.1 Setting the Resolution and Refresh Rate

  Windows NT 4.0
  Select the 'Settings' dialog in the 'Display Properties' window.

  Set the resolution (Desktop Area) and Refresh Frequeny that best suit
  your requirements and your monitor's performance. 
  Fire GL3 / Fire GL4: The refresh rate setting always applies to both
  monitors, if you have two monitors connected to the card.

  Windows 2000
  Select the 'Settings' dialog in the 'Display Properties' window.

  Set the resolution (screen area) that best suit your requirements
  and your monitor's performance.
  Select the 'Windows Monitor' dialog via Display Properties > Settings >
  Advanced > (Windows)Monitor.

  In the 'Monitor Settings' section set the refresh rate for the monitor
  connected to the Fire GL.
  Fire GL3 and Fire GL4: The refresh rate setting always applies to both
  monitors, if you have two monitors connected to the Fire GL3 or Fire GL4.  

  Refer to your Windows 2000 online help and documentation for further
  information on using the 'Settings' dialog.

NOTES: (1) Check the documentation of your monitor and make sure it supports
  the resolution/refresh rate setting.
  (2) Fire GL3 and Fire GL4:  Use the 'ATI DualScreen' dialog (see 3.2)
  to enable two-monitor display modes
  (3) Use the 'ATI  Adjustment' dialog (see 3.4) to adapt the display of the
  monitor connected to the Fire GL Graphics Accelerator in your
  (4) To operate stereo glasses always select a refresh rate of 120 Hz. Also, 
  enable 'Quad Buffer Stereo' in the 'ATI Advanced Settings' dialog 
  (see 3.5).

3.2 Setting a DualScreen Configuration (Fire GL3 and Fire GL4)
  1. Windows NT 4.0: Select the 'ATI DualScreen' dialog in the 'Display
     Properties' window.
     Windows 2000: Select the DualScreen dialog via Display Properties > 
     Settings > Advanced > ATI DualScreen.
     Refer to the context sensitive online help for more information on
     setting up your 'ATI DualScreen' configuration.

  2. Select 'Enable two-monitor modes' to enable screen resolutions for a 
     two-monitor configuration in the 'Settings dialog'. Deselecting this 
     option will allow single-monitor resolutions only.
     NOTES: (1) Click on a monitor icon in the DualScreen dialog to
      identify the corresponding monitor. For example, if you click on the
      right monitor icon in the 'ATI DualScreen' dialog, your second
      (right) monitor will display a '2'.
      (2) Windows 2000 only: 'Enable two-monitor modes' automatically
      deselects the checkbox option 'Hide modes that this monitor cannot
      display' in the 'Display Properties\Settings\Advanced\(Windows)Monitor'
      dialog. If you manually tick this checkbox again, DualScreen resolutions
      are no longer available.

  3. Select the 'Window Placement' settings:
     'Fullscreen' - Select if you want a full screen window displayed 
     'On all' monitors, or only on the 'Current monitor' - that is the monitor
     where your mouse cursor currently is.
     'Windows' - Select how you want to display sizeable windows that normally
     appear in the middle of the screen: 'Unchanged', or 'Move'd fully to that
     monitor where the top left corner of the window is.
     'Reports' - Select a monitor where you want to display Windows messages
     that normally display in the middle of the screen. This keeps the screen
     area of the other monitor free for your work. You may alternatively opt 
     for displaying the reports 'Unchanged'.

  4. Click the 'Apply' or 'OK' button to enable your DualScreen settings.
  5. Select the 'Settings' dialog in the 'Display Properties' window.

  6. Select a two-monitor resolution - that is twice a horizontal
     single-monitor resolution. For example, 1024x768 in single-monitor mode
     corresponds to 2048x768 in two-monitor mode.

3.3 Selecting your Monitor
  NOTES: (1) Fire GL2 and Fire GL4s: The 'ATI Monitor' dialog is 
    available only in Windows NT 4.0.
    (2) Fire GL3 and Fire GL4: In Windows 2000 the 'ATI Monitor' dialog
    is only active if you have two-monitor modes enabled via the 'ATI  
    DualScreen' dialog (see 3.2). 
    (3) To operate a "Dresden 3D Display" enable "D4D" in the 'ATI Advanced
    Settings' dialog (see 3.5).

  Select the 'ATI Monitor' dialog in the 'Display Properties' window.
  (Fire GL3/GL4/Windows 2000: via Display Properties > Settings > Advanced >
  ATI Monitor)
  For the Fire GL Graphics Accelerator in your system you can
  customize the settings of the connected monitor.
  You can find more information on setting up the monitor in the 
  context sensitive online help.

  A. Set the desired operation mode for the selected monitor:
     Custom Modes
     Use resolution and refresh rates for this monitor as
     specified in the 'Settings' dialog in 'Display Properties.'
     This option allows to fully exploit the resolution/refresh rate
     capabilities of the video chip.

     Selecting a resolution or refresh rate that your monitor does not
     support can permanently damage the monitor.
     Check the documentation of your monitor and make sure that the
     monitor supports the selected resolution and refresh rate. 

     Select from list
     Use resolution/refresh rate settings optimized for your specific
     Select your monitor from the displayed monitor list. 
     To select your monitor, scroll to the manufacturer of your monitor
     and highlight the manufacturer in the list. Click on the '+' sign
     and select your monitor.
     A list on the right menu panel displays resolutions and - for each
     resolution - the maximum refresh rate, as supported by the selected
     monitor. If the current video mode (specified in the 'Settings'
     dialog) is not supported by the selected monitor, the resolution/
     refresh rate setting will be automatically reduced.
     The 'Maximum Vertical Frequency' section displays the maximum refresh
     rate supported by the monitor for each resolution.
     Click the 'Apply' or 'OK' button to enable your monitor selection.
     If the list does not display your monitor type and you have a disk
     from the monitor manufacturer, use the 'Have Disk' button to import
     the monitor information to the internal monitor list. 
     Click the 'Have Disk' button, insert the disk, and select the 
     directory or file containing information about your monitor.
     Then select your monitor and click the 'Apply' or 'OK' button.

     Note: Click the 'Display Fire GL Monitor List' button to switch
     the displayed monitor list back from the manufacturer's disk to
     the internal monitor list.

     DDC Monitor
     Select this option and click the 'Apply' or 'OK' button if you want
     the driver to automatically decode the monitor's DDC information on
     each reboot/NT 4.0 start.  
     To detect a new DDC monitor immediately, click the 'Detect now'
     button. An error message will be displayed if the connected monitor 
     does not support DDC.

  B. Click the 'Apply' or 'OK' button to enable your monitor settings.


3.4 Adjusting the Monitor's Display
  Select the 'ATI Adjustment' dialog in the 'Display Properties' window.
  (Windows 2000: via Display Properties > Settings > Advanced > 
  ATI Adjustment).
  For the Fire GL Graphics Accelerator in your system you can 
  adjust the display of the connected monitor. You can find more information
  on adjusting the monitors' display in the context sensitive online help.

  A. Monitor Tuning

     With the buttons in the 'Move' and 'Size' sections you can tune the
     position and size of the monitor's display for the indicated resolution
     and refresh rate.
     NOTE: Use the hardware setting controls on your monitor, if available,
     to adjust your display size or position - instead of the software
     controls in 'Adjustment - Monitor Tuning.'  Check the documentation of
     your monitor for information on your monitor's hardware controls.
     NOTE: Resizing the display slightly changes the actual refresh rate.
     If you operate a fixed-frequency monitor check the documentation of your
     monitor for information on refresh rate tolerances. 
     Sync Polarity: If you do not get a satisfactory display with the default
     sync polarity setting for the current resolution, you may try and change
     the settings.

     Undo: Click this button to undo the last change you made (i.e. when you
     clicked 'Apply').
     Default: Click this button to set the 'Monitor Tuning' to the
     manufacturer's default settings.  

     Press the ESC key on your keyboard to undo the changes if your monitor
     has lost synchronization.
     If you change the resolution (in 'Settings') and/or the refresh
     rate (in 'Monitor'), you may need to re-adjust the monitor's display.
  B. 'Gamma Correction': Adjust the montior's gamma correction for optimal
     brightness with the red, green and blue slider bars.
     When these sliders are changed the gamma correction table modifies each
     pixel's color value. The brightness produced at the face of the display
     is proportional to the input voltage raised to the power gamma. This
     nonlinearity must be compensated to achieve correct reproduction of the
     image's brightness. The effect of display gamma is to darken the 
     midtones relative to the dark and light regions. The gamma correction
     adjustment affects the entire screen display. The possible setting
     range is 0.3 - 4.0. The default setting is 1.0.

     With 'Link sliders' selected, the three sliders move together as
     you drag any individual slider. With the check box unchecked, you can 
     adjust colors individually by dragging the applicable slider.
     Click the '>1<' button - for each color - to set the gamma correction
     to the default value of 1.0.
  C. Click the 'Apply' or 'OK' button to enable your adjustment settings.

3.5 Using Advanced Settings
  Select the 'ATI  Advanced Settings' dialog in the 'Display Properties' 
  window. (Windows 2000: via Display Properties > Settings > Advanced > 
  ATI Advanced Settings.
  You can enable offscreen rendering, fullscene antialiasing, the operation of
  stereo glasses, or the operation of a flat autostereoscopic 3D display. 
  You can find more information on using the 'ATI Advanced Settings' in the
  context sensitive online help.

  Enable Offscreen Rendering (PBuffer)
  Check this option to use rendering into off-screen pbuffer instead of 
  on-screen rendering.

  Enable Quad Buffer Stereo
  Check this option to operate stereo glasses. 
  NOTES: Using this option requires stereo shutter glasses connected to the 
         stereo connector of your card.
         You cannot use this option together with "Fullscene Antialiasing" 
         or "D4D".
         Set the screen refresh rate to 120 Hz via the 'Settings' dialog.

  Enable Sync Control Extension
  Check this option for precise synchronization control of graphics and
  streaming video or audio. Applications with real-time rendering requirements
  need synchronization of events on the graphics card (such as vertical 
  retrace) and other parts of the system. 

  Enable Fullscene Antialiasing (Fire GL3, Fire GL4, Fire GL4s)
  Check this option for improved image quality if your application supports
  this feature.
  - Oversampling Quality: Move the slider to optimize the oversampling
    NOTE: Increasing the oversampling quality may reduce the performance
  - Force Fullscene Antialiasing: Check this option to use 
    'Fullscene Antialiasing' also for OGL applications that do not support
    this feature'   
    NOTES: Forcing Fullscene Antialiasing may reduce the performance.
           You cannot use this option together with "Quad Buffer Stereo".

  Enable D4D (Fire GL3, Fire GL4, Fire GL4s)
  Check this option if you operate a flat autostereoscopic 3D display. 
  NOTES: You need a "Dresden 3D Display" monitor to use this option.
         You cannot use this option together with "Quad Buffer Stereo." 

  Allow additional Video Modes
  Check this option to enable special display modes; e.g. 48 Hz modes.


  This section describes how to properly remove the Fire GL 
  software from your system should you need to do so. 

  NOTE: Before removing the Fire GL video driver, please close all
        open application programs and disable any anti-virus software that is
        running on your computer until the driver de-installation is complete!
        To install or uninstall the Fire GL drivers, you need 
        administrator rights or you must be logged on as a user with 
        administrator rights under Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000.

  1. From the 'Start' menu, go to Start > Programs > ATI Fire GL, then click
     'ATI Fire GL Install/Uninstall Utility'.
     The 'ATI Fire GL Install' dialog appears.

  2. Click 'Remove the product'.
     Note: Make sure that only those components are selected that you want
           to remove now. (Click 'Back' and 'Add/Remove components' to
           select specific software components for removal.)
     Then click 'Next.'

  3. Click 'Next' to remove the software and shut down your computer.


5.1 ATI Information Dialog

  Check the 'ATI Information' dialog  in the 'Diplay Properties' window 
  (Windows 2000: via Display Properties > Settings > Advanced >
  ATI Information) for detailed hardware and driver information on your
  Fire GL card. These data may be helpful when contacting TechSupport.

  You can display the 'ATI Information' dialog by
  right-clicking the Windows Desktop background and then selecting
  the 'Properties' option from the pop-up menu.
  Windows Nt 4.0: Select the 'ATI Information' tab.
  Windows 2000: Click 'Settings' > 'Advanced' and select the
  'ATI Information' tab.

5.2 ATI  Configuration Menu (for experienced users only!)
  If you experience problems with your application, or if you want to try
  to optimize the performance of your system on specific applications, you
  may modify the configuration settings.

  Select the 'ATI Configuration' dialog in the 'Display Properties' window.
  (Windows 2000: via Display Properties > Settings > Advanced >
  ATI Configuration) 
  You can find more information on the settings in the ' ATI  Configuration'
  dialog in the context sensitive online help.
  You can display the 'ATI Configuration' dialog by
  right-clicking the Windows Desktop background and then selecting
  the 'Properties' option from the pop-up menu.
  Windows Nt 4.0: Select the 'ATI Configuration' tab.
  Windows 2000: Click 'Settings' > 'Advanced' and select the 
  'ATI Configuration' tab.

  1. Activating a configuration profile: For some of the most popular
     applications the optimal configuration profile is factory-set by default.
     Select the application from the list in the 'Configuration Profiles'
     section. This will change the necessary Windows registry settings. 
     Click 'Apply' and if prompted, restart Windows.
  2. Adding a new configuration profile: Click the 'Add' button in the
     'Configuration Profiles' section and enter the new application for which
     you want to set the configuration parameters.

  3. Modifying the configuration parameters: To change the configuration
     settings of a specific application, for example, CATIA, select the
     application from the list in the 'Configuration Profiles' section and
     click the 'Modify' button. To remove the selected configuration profile
     completely, click the 'Delete' button.

  4. If you add or modify an application profile, select or clear the
     checkboxes in the 'Settings' section according to your requirements:

     Overlay Planes

     8-Bit double-buffered
     Use 8 bits of each 32-bit frame buffer pixel as double-buffered
     overlay planes.

     8-Bit single-buffered
     Use 8 bits of each 32-bit frame buffer pixel as single-buffered
     overlay planes.

     Force copy swap
     Force blit copy from back to front buffer. 

     Wait for vertical retrace
     Buffer swap 'synched' to vertical retrace. This improves the
     picture quality but reduces the view performance in, for example,
     benchmark testing.

  5. Click the 'Apply' or 'OK' button to enable your 'ATI Configuration'


  Technical support for the installation and configuration of 
  ATI FIre GL Professional Graphics Accelerators, as well as 
  software updates or optional software packages, are available
  in the Internet at http://www.ati.com/support 


  The resolutions and refresh rates supported by the Fire GL
  are dependent on the monitor that is selected. 
  Windows NT 4.0 only: To display the resolutions that are supported
  and the maximum vertical refresh rate for each of your
  monitors, refer to the 'ATI  Monitor' dialog in the 'Display Properties' 
  window. You can display the 'ATI  Monitor' dialog by right-clicking 
  the Windows desktop and selecting 'Properties' and then
  selecting the 'ATI  Monitor' tab.

  The Fire GL accelerators support only TrueColor, 32-bit 
  (24 color, 8 alpha) modes. 
  There is no support for 8-bit or 16-bit modes.

  The table below is showing screen resolution, pixel size, horizontal
  line rate and refresh rate for all modes supported under the MS 
  Windows NT4.0 / Windows 2000 operating system, all modes are providing
  full screen double buffering using the OpenGL API.
  |Resolution| Color | Alpha |     Line Frequency      |  Refresh Rate    |
  |          | Bits  | Bits  |        (kHz)            |     (Hz)         |
  | 640x480  |  24   |   8   | 31.5, 37.5, 43.3, 56.9  | 60, 75, 85, 100  |
  |          |       |       | Stereo only 61.8        | 120              |
  | 800x600  |  24   |   8   | 37.7, 46.9, 54.1, 63.9  | 60, 75, 85, 100  |
  |          |       |       | Stereo only 77.2        | 120              |
  |1024x768  |  24   |   8   | 48.4, 60.0, 68.7, 80.9  | 60, 75, 85, 100  |
  |          |       |       | Stereo only 98.8        | 120              |
  |1152x864  |  24   |   8   | 53.7, 67.7, 77.1, 93.1  | 60, 75, 85, 100  |
  |1280x960  |  24   |   8   | 60.0, 75.2, 85.9, 101.7 | 60, 75, 85, 100  |
  |1280x1024 |  24   |   8   | 63.8, 79.8 91.1,        | 50, 60, 75, 85,  |
  |          |       |       | 107.0                   | 100              |
  |          |       |       | Stereo only 131.6       | 120              |
  |1600x1000 |  24   |   8   | 62.10, 79.4, 89.3       | 60, 76, 85       |
  |1600x1024 |  24   |   8   | 63.6, 81.3, 91.4        | 60, 76, 85       |
  |1600x1200 |  24   |   8   | 75.0, 93.8, 106.3       | 60, 75, 85       |
  |1792x1344 |  24   |   8   | 83.6                    | 60               |
  |1920x1200 |  24   |   8   | 74.5, 94.0, 95.0        | 60, 75, 76       |
  + DualScreen Resolutions (Fire GL3 and Fire GL4)                        +
  |2048x768  |  24   |   8   |  48.4, 60.0, 68.7       |    60, 75, 85    |
  |2304x864  |  24   |   8   |  53.7, 67.7, 77.1       |    60, 75, 85    |
  |2560x960  |  24   |   8   |  60.0, 75.2             |    60, 75        |
  |2560x1024 |  24   |   8   |  63.8, 79.8             |    60, 75        |
  |3200x1024 |  24   |   8   |  63.6                   |    60            |
  |3200x1200 |  24   |   8   |  61.8                   |    50            |

- New Display Properties TAB is added (Advance Settings). FullScene AA (Fire
  GL3 only) , Stereo and P-Buffer support could be switched ON / OFF without
  any profile.
- Alias|WaveFront Maya hang-up issue.
- Alias|WaveFront  Studio Tools hang-up issue.
- Alias|WaveFront Studio Tools pull down menu issue.
- ESPRi wrong Z-buffer issue.

- GLDEMO wrong color issue.
- Blue screen, CTRL + Print Screen and paste in Paint application (2054 opened
  this issue. 2053 has no problem)
- Fire GL3 , Display mode list is not updated after switching dual screen
  modes on.
- CATIA blue screen with huge model.

- OpenGL version string is changed. It shows CPU specific information.

- Display list optimizations.
- UG, UI Windows leave an imprint on a view when another view is updated. 
- Alias|Wavefront Studio Tools 9.x, pick box will only appear.
  with every second mouse click.
- Stereo output is not working correctly.
- 3Dstudio Max doesn’t draw anything under Win2K (Fire GL3 only)
- New check box is added in to Advance Settings tab to enable/disable
  WGL_OML_sync_control extension.
- WGL_ARB_buffer_region extension is added.
- DrawPixel speed with zoom optimizations.
- Alias|Wavefront MAYA back face culling issue.

- P4 optimizations (Catia 25 % , DX 10%)
- Web site, www.chosun.co.kr, with internet  explorer 5.0 or 5.5, the whole
  browser screen has vertical lines.
- 3DStudio MAX version 4.0 Custom Driver added.
- When closing the dof.exe and accanti.exe redbook example programs by
  selecting the close icon on the openGL window.  The error is instruction at
  0x77f64d8a referenced memory at  0x201d000d. 

- Performance optimizations.

- SolidWorks 2001 performance issue.
- P-Buffer size is increased.


All product names listed are trademarks or copyrights of their
respective owners.
(c) Copyright 2001, by ATI Technologies Inc. All rights reserved