               S3 Video Device Driver for Windows NT 4.0
                              README File

This file contains procedures for installing the S3 Trio3D video device
driver for Windows NT 4.0. It also contains other video-related procedures.

The following topics are included in the file:

      1.0  Supported Color Depths and Refresh Rates
      2.0  Installing the S3 Video Device Driver for Windows NT 4.0
      3.0  Changing the Video Settings
      4.0  Setting Your Monitor to VGA Mode
      5.0  Trademarks

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Because the Trio3D operates as an AGP device, Service
                 Pack 3 for Windows NT 4.0 must be installed on your
                 system for the device drivers to work properly using AGP.
                 If you do not install the service pack, the drivers will not
                 not work correctly and Windows NT will default to VGA
                 operation only. Service Pack 3 is available for free download
                 from Microsoft's web site at http://www.microsoft.com/.

1.0  Supported Color Depths and Refresh Rates

     ł   Resolution   ł      Color Depths       ł   Refresh Rates    ł
     ł     (Pels)     ł                         ł       (Hz)         ł
     ł   640 x 480    ł   256, 32768, 65536,    ł   60, 72, 75, 85   ł
     ł                ł   16777216              ł                    ł
     ł   800 x 600    ł   256, 32768, 65536,    ł   56, 60, 72, 75,  ł
     ł                ł   16777216              ł   85               ł
     ł   1024 x 768   ł   256, 32768, 65536,    ł   43 interlaced,   ł
     ł                ł   16777216              ł   60, 70, 75, 85   ł
     ł   1152 x 864   ł   256, 32768, 65536,    ł   60, 70, 75, 85   ł
     ł                ł   16777216              ł                    ł
     ł   1280 x 1024  ł   256, 32768, 65536     ł   43 interlaced,   ł
     ł                ł                         ł   60, 75, 85       ł
     ł   1600 x 1200  ł   256, 32768, 65536     ł   48 interlaced    ł
     ł                ł                         ł   60, 75, 85       ł

*** Trio3D Video Modes Table ***

Screen       Color    Desktop     Video Memory      Refresh Rate (Hz)
Resolution   Depth     Modes        Required          Available

320x200      256                      2 MB                       70
320x200      65536                    2 MB                       70
320x200      16.7M                    2 MB                       70

320x240      256                      2 MB                           72
320x240      65536                    2 MB                           72
320x240      16.7M                    2 MB                           72

400x300      256                      2 MB                           72
400x300      65536                    2 MB                           72
400x300      16.7M                    2 MB                           72

512x384      256                      2 MB                       70
512x384      65536                    2 MB                       70
512x384      16.7M                    2 MB                       70

640x400      256                      2 MB                       70
640x400      65536                    2 MB                       70
640x400      16.7M                    2 MB                       70

640x480      256         X            2 MB                   60,     72, 75, 85
640x480      32768       X            2 MB                   60,     72, 75, 85
640x480      65536       X            2 MB                   60,     72, 75, 85
640x480      16.7M       X            2 MB                   60,     72, 75, 85

800x600      256         X            2 MB               56, 60,     72, 75, 85
800x600      32768       X            2 MB               56, 60,     72, 75, 85
800x600      65536       X            2 MB               56, 60,     72, 75, 85
800x600      16.7M       X            2 MB               56, 60,     72, 75, 85

1024x768     256         X            2 MB        43(I),     60, 70,     75, 85
1024x768     32768       X            2 MB        43(I),     60, 70,     75, 85
1024x768     65536       X            2 MB        43(I),     60, 70,     75, 85
1024x768     16.7M       X            4 MB        43(I),     60, 70,     75, 85

1152x864     256         X            2 MB                   60, 70,     75, 85
1152x864     32768       X            2 MB                   60, 70,     75, 85
1152x864     65536       X            4 MB                   60, 70,     75, 85
1152x864     16.7M       X            4 MB                   60, 70

1280x1024    256         X            2 MB        43(I),     60,         75, 85
1280x1024    32768       X            4 MB        43(I),     60,         75, 85
1280x1024    65536       X            4 MB        43(I),     60,         75, 85

1600x1200    256         X            2 MB        48(I),     60,         75, 85
1600x1200    32768       X            4 MB        48(I),     60,         75, 85
1600x1200    65536       X            4 MB        48(I),     60,         75, 85

2.0  Installing the S3 Video Device Driver for Windows NT 4.0

Note:  If your computer has IBM-preinstalled software, the video
       device driver for Windows NT 4.0 has already been installed
       on the hard disk of your computer.  However, the information
       included in this file will be helpful if you ever need to
       reinstall or update the device driver, or if you want to
       change the video settings.

****Installing your new S3 Video Driver for Windows NT 4.0.****

1.  Start system with Windows NT 4.0 installed.
2.  IMPORTANT: When the "Please select the operating system to start..." message
    is displayed, select "Windows NT Workstation Version 4.00 [VGA mode]".
3.  From "Start", select the "Settings group", then click on the
    "Control Panel" icon.
4.  In the "Control Panel", double click on the "Display" icon.
5.  In the "Settings" screen, click on the "Display Type..." button.
6.  From the "Display Type" screen, and in the "Adapter Type" section, click
    on the "Change..." button.
7.  In the "Change Display" screen, click on the "Have Disk..." button.
8.  Insert the new display driver diskette into the A:\ drive, then click on
    the "OK" button.
9.  From the list of displayed S3 devices, select your S3 device.
10. From "Third-party Drivers", click on the "Yes" button to proceed.
11. If a message appears stating the driver is already installed on the
    system, and asks if you want to use the current or new drivers, be sure
        to select the "New" button.
12. If prompted for the driver diskette a second time, click on the
    "Continue" button.
13. When the message "The drivers were successfully installed" is displayed,
    remove the display driver diskette, then click on the "OK" button.
14. Back at the "Display Type" window, click on the "Close" button.
15. Back at the "Display Properties" window, click on the "Close" button.
16. When you see the "System Settings Change" window, asking if you wish to
    restart your computer, click on the "Yes" window to reboot now.

NOTE:  If installing Windows NT 4.00 with the S3 device currently installed
       in the system:

    Proceed through the Windows NT installation as normal.  The installation
    program will prompt the user to choose a display mode.  Choose the
    "Cancel" button from the "Display Settings" screen to ignore this step
    for now.  The installation will now finish.  Once Windows NT has started
    for the first time, proceed to follow the steps outlined above to install
    the driver for your S3 device.

3.0  Changing the Video Settings

To change the video settings:

 1.  Start Windows NT.

 2.  Click on the START button, select SETTINGS, and then click on

 3.  Double-click on the DISPLAY icon.  The Display Properties window

 4.  In the Display Properties window, click on the SETTINGS tab.

 5.  Make the desired changes to any of the color palette, font size,
     desktop area, or refresh frequency; then click on TEST, OK, and
     then YES.

 6.  When the changes are satisfactory, click on APPLY and then YES to
     resize the display dynamically.

4.0  Setting Your Monitor to VGA Mode

To set your monitor to VGA mode:

 1.  Start Windows NT.

 2.  Click on the START button, select SETTINGS, and then click on

 3.  Double-click on the DISPLAY icon.  The Display Properties window

 4.  In the Display Properties window, click on the SETTINGS tab.

 5.  Click on the DISPLAY TYPE button.  The Display Type window

 6.  Under Adapter Type, click on the CHANGE button.

 7.  Under Manufacturers, click on STANDARD DISPLAY TYPES; under
     Display, click on VGA COMPATIBLE DISPLAY ADAPTER; then click
     on OK.

 8.  Insert the appropriate Windows diskettes or CD-ROM, if requested.

 9.  Click on OK, CLOSE, CLOSE, and then YES to restart your computer.

5.0  Trademarks

The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the
United States or other countries or both:


The following terms are trademarks of other companies:

S3 and Trio  S3 Incorporated

Microsoft and Windows NT are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or
service marks of others.