Screen code (dec, hex) | Change (dec, hex) | PETSCII code (dec, hex) | |||
0-31 | $00-$1F | +64 | $40 | 64-95 | $40-$5F |
32-63 | $20-$3F | 0 | $00 | 32-63 | $20-$3F |
64-93 | $40-$5D | +128 | $80 | 192-221 | $C0-$DD |
94 | $5E | 255 | $FF | ||
95 | $5F | +128 | $80 | 223 | $DF |
96-127 | $60-$7F | +64 | $40 | 160-191 | $A0-$BF |
128-159 | $80-$9F | -128 | $80 | 0-31 | $00-$1F |
160-191 | $A0-$BF | -128 | $80 | 32-63 | $20-$3F |
192-223 | $C0-$DF | -64 | $C0 | 128-159 | $80-$9F |
224-254 | $E0-$FE | -64 | $C0 | 160-191 | $A0-$BF |
PETSCII code $5E belongs to the π (pi) symbol. It is converted internally to the the BASIC token $FF when fetched from the screen.