The XMP1541 cable combo

You should follow these instructions if you already have an XM1541 multitask cable and you want to transform it.

Important notes


First, create the parallel port for 1541 drives or the parallel port for 1570 and 1571 drives.

You need the following parts to build this cable:

Step 1. Solder one end of the cable onto the game plug.

Step 2. Solder the other end of the cable onto the parallel plug. You should have the following connections:

Game plug Parallel plug
1 2, Data 0
2 3, Data 1
3 4, Data 2
4 5, Data 3
5 6, Data 4
6 7, Data 5
7 8, Data 6
8 9, Data 7
not connected 18-25, GND

Circuit diagram

[XMP1541 cable combo]

The original connections of the XM1541 multitask cable are shown in grey. You can find the description of all parts used on the diagrams at the legend page.

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