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LinkedIn Post Character Limit Checker

0 / 3000
Truncation: 0 / 210
Post: 0 / 700
section: 0 / 2600
Message: 0 / 300

Type in text-box above to check LinkedIn post character limit

Simply type or copy and paste some text above to get a count of characters in real-time as you type.

As you may know, the LinkedIn post character limit is 3,000 characters. It has been 3,000 characters since June 2021, when it increased it's limit from 1,300 characters. This increase allows for more room to get your point across.

The total numbers you have typed will be displayed in the upper left underneath the "Characters typed" box. It displays the current total along with the 3,000 character limit right next to it. Once you go over the limit it will turn red.

In the upper right you have the "Characters remaining". As you can probably guess, it displays a running total of the number of characters remaining.

For example, as your LinkedIn post character count gets closer to 3,000 your remaining characters will get closer to zero. If you go over the 3,000 character limit, the remaining characters will turn red and go negative.

As you can tell, this is a lot more detailed information on the character counts than LinkedIn gives.

Other LinkedIn character limit metrics and tools

On the top left (or bottom for mobile) you have the LinkedIn post truncation character limit. This is the amount of characters you can type in a LinkedIn post before the "..." appears and you have to click to see more. The LinkedIn post truncates at around 210 characters, so be sure to get your most important points in before that.

Then below the LinkedIn post truncation character count we show the company post character count. The LinkedIn company post character limit is 700 characters.

Below that is the LinkedIn about section. The LinkedIn about section character limit is 2,600 characters. This is where you can tell people about yourself and give a brief description of you.

The final metric we measure is the LinkedIn message. The LinkedIn message character limit is 300 characters. This is where you can communicate with other LinkedIn users.

To make it more convenient for you we included a green "copy text" button. The green "copy text" button will conveniently copy all the text in the text-box so it can make it easier for you to paste it onto your LinkedIn page.

Tips and Tricks for Writing a LinkedIn Post

Do you want to have a better experience using LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a huge professional database. It's a place where we can connect with new people or more familiar people, gain new experiences and projects and present ourselves or our business in the best light.

You can read below how to achieve a positive experience and get good results from your posts. Use the guidelines below and get your journey on LinkedIn off to a good start.

Engage with your network

Something highly recommended and important when using LinkedIn is to scroll through the page and like or comment on other people's posts. In doing so, we must not forget our responsiveness here. Replying to the comments below our posts is also very important. Try to be as up-to-date as possible.

Share your backstory

A very important step in connecting with new people is to be honest and tell them how you got started. We all love helping someone who is honest.

Connect with them by sharing a part of your private life, there is no need for everything to be prepared and thought out in advance. More and more people want to see reality.

Break the stereotypes

Be different from the others. Break stereotypes by talking about a topic that others think is not being talked about. Speak from your own experience, use your platform in a way that you communicate with others for topics that more niche.

Visit other profiles

The simple way to get attention is to visit other people's profiles. With this you can see how others work, get inspired and learn a lot of new skills. You can also use this to explore and connect with them.

Join groups

Joining groups is the best way to find similar interests and connect with them as a result. There you can find people where they think similarly to you. You can also learn some new tricks about your chosen path and help you implement it in the future.

Write Simple posts

No one has much time to read heavy and long texts. We all want to see something that is short and clear. Try to use as many numbers as possible and write texts in an easy way. Write them in paragraphs and add emojis for easier performance as emojis add interest in reading.

Involve your audience in the conversation

Something that is very important when reading a text is that we feel accepted. This is a very important step in connecting with people. Ask them a question, ask for their opinion. Listen to other people and ask them for suggestions. Let them know that they are involved and feel accepted.

Engage with content in hashtags

Hashtags are something that is encountered on most social networks, on LinkedIn it is no different. It is important that we use them, as they can help people locate a certain topic of interest. Hashtags need to link to your content and need to be chosen correctly.

Thanks for using our tool!

LinkedIn is a fantastic website to network with other working professionals, apply to jobs, post jobs, post your resume and more. In addition to text posts on LinkedIn, there are also image posts and video posts. Publishing posts on LinkedIn can be a great way to show your expertise, help others by providing useful information and meeting like-minded people.

We hope our character count tool will help you check your character counts and be a more efficient writer.

Good luck on writing your LinkedIn post or profile information! If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please contact us.

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