Latest FreeGEM Drivers (GEM/3 compatible)
Latest version: 3.14.11, 15 March 2013
This page only contains drivers that I've created or recreated. There are many more existing drivers for various hardware types.
The drivers on this page have all the extra FreeGEM features including high-resolution timer support and loadable codepages, unless otherwise stated.
Supported hardware | Download |
VESA: 640x400, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024 | VESA drivers (204k) supporting five VESA resolutions in 256 colours, plus 800x600 and 1024x768 in 16 colours. |
VGA, MCGA, EGA (mono and colour), CGA, Hercules, AT&T 6300, generic 800x600 | Pack 1 (126k) contains drivers which should work on IBM-compatible hardware from before the days of VESA. |
VGA, MCGA, EGA (mono and colour), CGA, Hercules | Pack 2 (387k) contains alternative drivers for common PC hardware types. Use these if you can't get a Pack 1 driver to work for some reason. They also cover some less-likely hardware combinations, such as an EGA card with a CGA monitor, or an LCD panel that displays CGA in dark on light. |
Amstrad PC1512, IBM 3270 PC, AT&T 6300, Plantronics ColorPlus, Paradise VGA, Chips&Technologies 720x540, Hercules InColor | Pack 3 (238k) contains drivers for some not-so-common PC hardware types. |
AT&T Display Enhancement Board, Wyse WY-700, Genius, Quadram Prosync, Genoa SVGA | Pack 4 (170k) contains drivers that I haven't been able to test, because of not having the right hardware to hand. You can give these a go, but I don't guarantee that they'll work. |
All of the above | Source code (1013k) for all the drivers listed above. The source code for the codepage (GEM.CPI) can be found as GSANSCPI_S.ZIP on my DOS codepage page. |
BBC Master 512 | Source and binaries (209k) for drivers compatible with GEM/3 under DOS Plus 2.1 on the BBC Master 512. These drivers omit codepage support. |
Apricot PC/Xi, Portable, F-Series | Source and binary (500k) for six drivers that work with FreeGEM on various ACT Apricot PCs. | Wang Professional Computer | Source and binary (301k) for two drivers that work with FreeGEM on the Wang Professional Computer: one for the 800x300 monochrome card, and one for the 640x225 colour card. |
John Elliott 2012-03-15