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May 23, 2014

Sunet archive to be decommissioned
SUNET and the IT Division at Uppsala University has decided to reduce and later close down the
file archive. The process of informing all mirrors will start immediately while the actual
removal will start in September.
We will start with the larger mirrors where good alternativs exists while smaller and unusual
or unique content will be processed later.

Jan 21, 2014 Now mirroring OpenELEC! You find the files here.

April 02, 2013 Files from the Qt Project is now mirrored at the SUNET Archive. You find the files here.

Mars 24, 2013

The SUNET Archive now contains the Videolan files (the famous VLC player among many other things). You find the files here.

February 13, 2013

The SUNET Archive now contains the Hiren's BootCD files, a bootable CD packed with utilities (see http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd for more information).

June 19, 2012

The SUNET Archive is proud to be a mirror for the Raspberry Pi project. We are happy to help Eben, Liz and the rest of the Team. See more about the Raspberry Pi project at Raspberrypi.org

June 18, 2012

The SUNET Archive is now a mirroring Mageia that is a Linux distribution building on Mandriva Linux.

September 6, 2010

The archive now contains a mirror of OpenCSW. You find the files here.

June 2, 2009

As part of our goal to collect software that have a positive inpact on Swedens Public Sector, the Sunet Archive now have a swedish page dedicated to Open Projects from Public Institutions in Sweden. The page so far have two projects in addition to links to other resources from the Nordic countries and Europe and is sheduled to receive more material during the comming months.

May 19, 2009

The SUNET Archive is proud to announce that we are now a mirror provider to SourceForge.net.

May 6, 2009

Today, the new Content Advisory Group for the SUNET Archive have had its first meeting. Ideas and information was shared and several proposals was put forth. The members of the Content Advisory Group can be reached through mail at: contentadvisorygroup@ftp.sunet.se

April 15, 2009

The Migration to a GPFS based storage environment is completed. Response time measurements show as expected that the new storage solution is a small improvement from the old one.

March 31, 2009

Swedish pages added to the Archive web.

October 14, 2008

The Archive content is migrating from the old SANFS-based storage solution mentioned in the 'about' page to a new GPFS environment. The Archive servers are also being replaced. For some time the two environments will be running in parallel.

During the transition from the old platform to the new one you may experience minor problems and some functions may be temporarily unavailable.

We apologize for any inconveniences.

If you discover bugs or problems please drop us a mail at archive@ftp.sunet.se

This page is maintained by archive@ftp.sunet.se and was last updated 2014-05-27 10:44 CEST
ftp.sunet.se, hosted by Uppsala University.