PL/I ... grandfather of PASCAL and similar languages
As a foreword: I am offering the following compiler just for educational, non profit purpose. If any of the former copyright holder send me a mail that this is unwanted, I will immediately delete the concerned file.
Here are the CP/M PL/I compiler as complete packages:
Digital Research PL/I-80 1.0
Digital Research PL/I-80 1.3 (less source files included)
Digital Research PL/I-80 1.0 ... can also be found at Peter Schorn's SIMH page as a (IBM standard) disk image
A reference manual in Word format can be found here.
More PL/I stuff, but not CP/M related:
DOS related:
DR PL/I 1.0 compiler for DOS locally mirrored
DR PL/I library (disassembled)
DR PL/I sample sources
DR PL/I programmers guide
DR PL/I reference manual
Linux (and OS/2) related:
Iron Spring Software's Linux and OS/2 version of a PL/I compiler
PL/I preprocessor/precompiler for GCC