Very popular for programming CP/M applications ...
:... if you do not like C compiler !
Nikolaus Wirth invented 1970 a new programming language named 'PASCAL' (in fact it was influenced by Algol, see also here for a working compiler). Later this language was available also for CP/M.
As a foreword: I am offering the following compiler just for educational, non profit purpose. If any of the former copyright holder send me a mail that this is unwanted, I will immediately delete the concerned file.
Here are the Pascal compiler as complete packages (I do not offer every item by myself, instead, most of these offerings are just links to other sites):
Pascal MT+ compiler v. 5.5 Speed Programming Package included
Pascal MT+ compiler v. 5.6.1 also for CP/M
Pascal MT+ compiler v. 5.6.1 manual in Postscript
PASCAL MT+ Speed programming package docu in text format
PASCAL MT+ manual in Word Format
PASCAL MT+ manual in HTML Format zipped
Pascal MT+ Manual in HTML online
Turbo PASCAL 3.01A for CP/M-80
Turbo PASCAL 3.0 for CP/M
Turbo PASCAL 2.0 for CP/M (now complete, locally hosted)
...and a patch for TP 2.0 here (fixes exit always to user 0)
Turbo PASCAL 1.0 for CP/M
Turbo PASCAL 3.01 Patches
Public Domain Turbo Pascal Terminal Installer (PDTINS) version 1.2
JRT PASCAL 2.0 for CP/M taken from SIGM Vol. 82 (locally hosted)
PASCAL/Z 4.0 for CP/M
PASCAL-P Compiler version 3.1.9 (from C.B. Falconer)
Fix to Pascal-P v 3.1.9
Documentation for Pascal-P
Pascal-P Manual (printed format)
Manual for PASCAL/P
Various PASCAL/P files
"Pascal Pascal Compiler" v1 from Robert A. Van Valzah
(locally hosted, from 1980)
"Pascal Pascal Compiler" v2 from Robert A. Van Valzah from SIMTEL CPMUG 050, this seems to be a more complete but different version
Interesting source code for Pascal MT+ or Turbo PASCAL:
PASCAL MT+ Source Show Directory (all USER areas)
TPASCAL 3.0 Show Directory 1
TPASCAL 3.0 Show Directory 2
TPASCAL 3.0 Show Directory 3
TPASCAL 3.0 Show Directory 4
TPASCAL 3.0 Show Directory 5
Turbo PASCAL Lessons Disk 1 (locally hosted)
Turbo PASCAL Lessons Disk 2 (locally hosted)
Turbo PASCAL Tutor (locally hosted)
Kermit in Turbo PASCAL
Unsqueezer source code in Turbo PASCAL (locally hosted)
A Z80 Assembler written in Turbo PASCAL 3.0 source code and executable included, source file was shrinked with a tool named PCRYPT (runs under DOS), because it's too big for the editor. Very useful.
Pascal "pretty" formatter source code (locally hosted)
Very interesting is also the PASCAL P compiler in source code:
PASCAL Compiler and Interpreter, produces P4 Code, source files for compiling with another PASCAL-Compiler or with a C-Compiler.
Pascal P5 Compiler/Assembler/Interpreter (all pCode, not real CPU assembler stuff) but sources for all !
Btw. some UCSD Pascal also stuff here, but I made an extra page for it:
USCD Pascal II.9 for Altair Simulator/SIMH
USCD Pascal Manual in PDF
UCSD Pascal I.5 Sources
I rediscovered a very old archive file with UCSD version I.3 files.
Though I am unsure about an interest and if it's already mirrored or not,
I show you the contents of the archive file here, but at the moment I am not offering any downloadable file, because there might be files included, which are of personal nature.
New: Please take a look also at my new Modula-2 page.